Tuesday 3 May 2011

Evaluation: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Considering we kept the same theme and idea in both the main product and ancillary texts, I would say that they both combined reasonably well. Considering the fact that some things we did stuck to the code and conventions of what you would expect in a typical teenage, indie music video in some ways, we also challenged the codes and conventions by making our work original and new. Such as the packaging for the Digipack, although it was original it gave the impression of the indie genre as opposed to a hip-hop themed Digipack which could have contained the typical sterotypical conventions you would expect, for example money, expensive cars and items along with attractive women. The actors on the Digipack were very "indie looking" and the animal and paper theme hinted at an original feel.
In order to continue this original style and prevent a simple copy, we used photoshop to change the "Scarlot Harlot" title.
Here is the original title:

And here is our version:

Our version fits in well with our rustic and messy design and represents the main product as well as the Digipack and website. Our main aim was to become consistent throughout our entire coursework not just our main production, this would been that our work would be instantly recognizable if it was a real media production and our fanbase could easily see the difference between our work and somebody else's, which is important.

The masks became a symbol in which the band would be represented and keep our content consistent which was one of our ideal aims and I feel we carried it our well in both our ancillary tasks and main production.

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